#CPDisEasy: CPD on the go: Submit a two-step CPD entry in 6 minutes

The Continuing Professional Development Blog

#CPDisEasy: CPD on the go: Submit a two-step CPD entry in 6 minutes

#CPDisEasy: CPD on the go: Submit a two-step CPD entry in 6 minutes

Have you completed three CPD entries for the year and have only three outstanding? Perhaps you haven’t even started submitting your entries for 2020 but the deadline for submissions (31 December) is fast approaching. Get a head start by submitting up to three (3) CPD entries through the two-step CPD process.

In a two-step CPD entry, you answer only the following questions:  

  • Step 3: Implementation (After having undertaken your learning, answer this: What action did I take or how did I learn or acquire the new skill(s)?)
  • Step 4: Evaluation or reflection on learning (What have I learnt and how is it benefiting my practice or how is it improving how my work?)

That’s it.

How to submit a two-step CPD entry?

The Office of the Registrar has put together a short video tutorial (6 minutes) to walk you through the two-step process. View below.

