
The scope of practice of Pharmacy Support Personnel is defined in Chapter V of the Regulations relating to the practice of pharmacy as follows:


Regulation 11 

Pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic). — A pharmacist’s assistant registered in the category pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic) may perform the following services or acts under the direct personal supervision of a pharmacist in a pharmacy:

  1. the sale of Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 medicines or scheduled substances;
  2. assist with the compounding, manipulation or preparation of a non-sterile or sterile Schedule 1 to Schedule 4 medicine or scheduled substance according to a formula and standard operating procedures approved by the responsible pharmacist;
  3. assist with the manufacturing of a non-sterile or sterile medicine or scheduled substance according to a formula and standard operating procedures approved by the responsible pharmacist;
  4. the re-packaging of medicine;
  5. the distribution and control of stock of Schedule 1 to Schedule 7 6 medicines or scheduled substances;
  6. the ordering of medicine and scheduled substances up to and including Schedule 7 6 according to an instruction of a person authorised in terms of the Medicines Act to purchase or obtain such medicines or scheduled substance;
  7. the reading and preparation of a prescription, the selection, manipulation or compounding of the medicine, the labelling and supply of the medicine in an appropriate container following the interpretation and evaluation of the prescription by a pharmacist;
  8. the provision of instructions regarding the correct use of medicine supplied; and
  9. the provision of information to individuals in order to promote health; and
  10. general housekeeping and administrative tasks.


Regulation 12

Notwithstanding the provisions in regulation 11, a pharmacist’s assistant registered in the category pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic) may perform the acts or provide services as prescribed in subregulations 11 (5), 11 (6), 11 (8) and 11 (9), as well as the reading and preparation of a prescription, the selection, manipulation or compounding of medicine and the labelling and supply of medicine in an appropriate container under the indirect personal supervision of a pharmacist: provided that such indirect personal supervision will take place only under the following circumstances:

  1. the services are provided or acts are performed at a primary health care clinic or any other facility as approved by council;
  2. only re-packaged medicines or patient ready packs are provided;
  3. written and updated protocols and standard operating procedures are available describing clearly the responsibility of the pharmacist’s assistant and pharmacist under whose indirect personal supervision the pharmacist’s assistant performs the acts and provides the services; and
  4. the pharmacist under whose indirect personal supervision the pharmacist’s assistant performs the acts and provides the services visits the pharmacist’s assistant at the primary health care clinic or other facility as approved by council for purposes of supervision and support, which visits must be documented and take place at least once a month.

Registered Persons