About Exco

Vincent Tlala
Registrar/Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
The Registrar is the accounting officer in overall control of the administration of the South African Pharmacy Council. Key Performance Areas include:
- Implementation of SAPC policies and supervision of the SAPC spending according to approved policy
- Continuously monitors and advises the SAPC on international trends, local developments (e.g. legislation, health care policy) and any other factors that might influence current or future policies of the SAPC.
- Appoints and ensures competency of personnel to ensure the effective and efficient administration of the SAPC policies, strategies and processes.
- Assists the SAPC in developing and formulating pharmaceutical service policy and strategies.
- Interprets applicable legislation and SAPC policies and strategies, and provides guidance to all members of staff in the application of such legislation, policies and strategies.
- Ensures coordination of functions and effective communication between the SAPC and personnel as well as between different business units and functions within the administration.
- Responsible for the performance management of executive managers and other persons reporting directly to Registrar as well as ensuring the coordinated application of performance management for all members of staff according to the Performance Management Policy.
- Fulfils the role and responsibilities as prescribed in terms of the Pharmacy Act, 1974.
- Maintains sound public relations with external stakeholders, including but not limited to health care authorities, the profession, the media and the general public and ensures the promotion of a positive image of Council and administration.
Mojo Mokoena
Chief Operating Officer
The Chief Operating Officer (COO) directs and manages administration, personnel, fiscal management and operational matters. Key Performance Areas include:
- Plan and ensure implementation of all strategic and operational plans, resolutions, policies and procedures of the SAPC.
- Responsible for the coordination of all relevant committees of the SAPC.
- Responsible for the coordination of functions and effective management of different departments including strategic management.
- Maintains public relations with relevant stakeholders including, but not limited to the health service authorities, the general public and ensures the promotion of positive image of the SAPC.
- Responsible for the performance management of senior managers and other persons reporting directly to her, as well as ensuring the coordinated application of performance management for all departments according to the Performance Management Policy.
- Responsible for the fiscal management of all departments reporting directly to her in terms of the relevant prescripts and effective coordination of risk management thereof.
Sandiso Ntsomi, CA(SA)
Chief Financial Officer
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) directs and manages the Finance Department. Key Performance Areas include:
- Responsible for ensuring the total quality management of all activities relating to the planning, organising, co-ordinating and providing guidance in the full spectrum of financial and accounting support services to the SAPC.
- Monitors and controls income and expenditure in order to ensure accountability for the application of funds, as well as for the effective application of the purchasing and tendering processes.
- Responsible for the effective administration of the SAPC Pension Fund, payment of salaries and insurances, as well as the effective maintenance and security of all assets.
- Responsible for the effective maintenance of contracts, assets, property and equipment.
- Responsible for the coordination of risk management, outsourced internal audit services, drafting of financial statements and statutory audit.

Debbie Hoffmann
Company Secretary & Legal Services
The Company Secretary & Legal Services directs and manages the Legal Services Department, and provides support to the Executive Management. Key Performance Areas include:
- Responsible for the total quality management of all activities relating to the planning, organising, co-ordinating and providing guidance in establishing, developing and maintaining universally acceptable standards in the professional conduct of the profession.
- Responsible for providing legal support to the Office of the Registrar as well as the SAPC.
- Responsible for the effective management of the Committee of Preliminary Investigation and Disciplinary Committees (formal and informal), and the Registrar’s Complaints Review Panel.
- Responsible for legal contract management and legal administration.
- Responsible for ensuring corporate governance.
John Mashishi
Senior Manager: Human Resources
The Senior Manager: Human Resources provide administrative and management support regarding human resources practices in the Office of the Registrar. Key Performance Areas includes:
- Responsible for the total quality management of all activities relating to the planning, organising, coordinating and providing guidance in establishing, developing and maintaining of universally acceptable standards in Human Resources (HR).
- Ensuring management of all activities relating to the planning, organising, coordinating and providing guidance in the practice of human resources in the SAPC.
- Responsible for the effective administration of payroll for all employees of the SAPC (temporary /permanent).
- Responsible for effective management of labour relations bargaining council/task teams of Council.
- Managing the HR Department, including strategic direction, guidance of staff and managing the budget.