About Committees
The following standing committees assist in the functioning of the Council. Ad hoc committees may also be appointed from time to time. Council has appointed the following standing committees:
- Executive Committee
- Education Committee
- Practice Committee
- Pre-registration Committee
- Health Committee
- Continuing Professional Development Committee
- Committee of Preliminary Investigation
- Commitee of Informal Inquiry
- Committee of Formal Inquiry
- Audit & Risk Committee
- Bagaining Council
- Trustee Committee
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee considers and deals with matters which, in the opinion of the President, require urgent attention. Any acts performed or decision taken by the Executive Committee is of force and effect unless it is set aside or amended by Council at its next meeting. The Executive Committee deals with matters relating to conditions of employment, finance and any other matter which falls outside the terms of reference of other committees. The Executive Committee also deals with any matter which requires urgent attention.
Education Committee
The Education Committee considers and reports on all matters relating to the establishment, development, maintenance and control of universally acceptable standards in pharmaceutical education and training, including the approval of providers of education and training and the courses offered by providers, examinations, the evaluation of educational qualifications and exemptions from examinations. It may also deal with other matters delegated to it by Council.
Practice Committee
The Practice Committee considers and reports on all matters relating to the establishment, development, maintenance and control of universally acceptable standards of practice of the various categories of persons required to be registered in terms of the Act, as well as the promotion of pharmaceutical care which complies with universal norms and values, both in the public and the private sector, the registration of pharmacies related matters, as well as the recommendations for the issuing of permits in terms of the Act or medicine related legislation. It may also deal with other matters delegated to it by Council.
Pre-registration Committee
The Pre-registration Committee considers and reports on all matters relating to pharmacist interns and the evaluation of applications for persons with foreign qualifications including professional examinations, pre-registration functions, i.e. internship year, pre-registration examinations, intern submission of competency standards using Continuing Professional Development platform and submission of intern progress reports; and pharmacy support personnel function i.e traineeship year, final summative assessments, external integrated summative assessment and submission of progress reports
Health Committee
The Health Committee appointed by Council in terms of the Regulations relating to the management of a person unfit to practise for reasons other than unprofessional conduct, considers allegations or information received by the Registrar that a person registered in terms of the Act may be unfit to practise.
Continuing Professional Development Committee
The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Committee appointed by the Council in terms of section 4 of the Act deals with all matters relating to CPD to ensure that natural persons registered with Council continuously enhance their competence throughout their professional careers, and encompass a range of activities including continuing education and supplementary training.
Committee of Preliminary Investigation
The Committee of Preliminary Investigation conducts investigations in terms of Chapter II of the Regulations relating to the Conduct of Inquiries held in terms of Chapter V of the Pharmacy Act, 1974.
Committee of Informal Inquiry
The Committee of Informal Inquiry conducts informal inquiries in terms of Chapter III of the Regulations relating to the Conduct of Inquiries held in terms of Chapter V of the Pharmacy Act, 1974.
Committee of Formal Inquiry
The Committee of Formal Inquiry conducts formal inquiries in terms of Chapter IV of the Regulations relating to the Conduct of Inquiries held in terms of Chapter V of the Pharmacy Act, 1974.
Audit and Risk Committee
The Audit and Risk Committee assists Council in fulfilling its oversight responsibility by serving as an independent and objective party to monitor and strengthen the objectivity and credibility of Council's financial reporting process, internal control systems, appraise the audit efforts of the external auditors and internal audit function, provide an open avenue of communication between the external auditors, internal audit unit and senior management.
Bargaining Council
The Bargaining Council appointed by the Council considers and deals with human resource matters relating to Council employees to negotiate and bargain collectively to reach agreement on matters of mutual interest.
Trustees Committee
The Trustees Committee (Board) is appointed by Council (Employer's Trustees) and employees (Members' Trustees) with the sole responsibility for the management of the SA Pharmacy Council Pension Fund (the Fund). The Trustees have the power in the name of the Fund to enter into and sign any contracts or documents and to institute, conduct, defend, compound or abandon any legal proceedings by or against the Fund and to make bye-laws prescribing the form and manner in which claims are to be lodged and dealt with by the Fund.